Our Team

Meet the Visionaries Behind Our Agricultural Success

At SAO Agro, our strength lies in the passion and expertise of our dedicated team members. We are committed to transforming the agricultural landscape and driving sustainable growth. Get to know the individuals who make it all possible:

Ayo Sotinrin

Chief Executive Officer

Ayo has over 20 years experience in development finance aimed at promoting economic development and growth. He has worked across many sectors which includes energy, agriculture, healthcare and infrastructure development.

He founded SAO AGRO in 2019 to make a significant impact in food production and the promotion of sustainable agriculture practices to improve livelihoods across Rural Africa.

Vijay Dinkar Dalvi

General Manager

Vijay has over 32 years of experience in oil palm plantation management and farm management. He oversees our entire agricultural operations. His extensive experience and expertise show as he skillfully manages every aspect of the development our plantation. 

From coordinating planting schedules to ensuring optimal crop yields, Vijay’s attention to detail is unmatched. His strategic thinking and ability to navigate challenges make him a key player in our success


Oladotun Oluwamodimu

Senior Supervisor

Oladotun is an experienced Agricultural Extension Agent with over 12 years of experience in agriculture and agricultural business analysis. He has an excellent reputation for resolving problems that occur on the fields, coordinates activities and optimizing processes to ensure operations run smoothly on the farm.

As a Senior Supervisor, he plays a pivotal role in maintaining the excellence of our oil palm production as is shown in his commitment to quality and crop health.

Moyebi Mobolaji Adedeji

Farm Supervisor

Moyebi oversees daily farm operations , manages activities and ensures compliance to sustainable agricultural practices. His expertise lies in his ability to manage resources and people through years of experience in farm cultivation and crop management. 

Richard Nsianyan

Plantation Manager

Richard’s responsibilities include overseeing all the activities involved in the development of an oil palm plantation. He monitors crop health, plans schedules, manages workers and ensures that the health and quality of our palms are maintained to the highest standard. He has over 30 years experience in the field of oil palm cultivation which is a significant portion of our agri-business.

Kumolu Tolulope Ayomide

Fleet Manager

Kumolu has a background in Mechanical Engineering which lends to his expertise in managing our fleet which includes tractors, lowbeds, trucks, heavy machinery and other farm equipment.

Solomon Eromosele Sanu

Inventory Manager

Solomon is involved in the management of our all our resources and inputs at the farm. His daily activities range from maintaining the storage facilities and effectively managing inventory which contributes to the smooth operation of our business. With his keen attention to detail, he ensures that all resources are properly accounted for, coordinates suppliers  and especially focuses on keeping waste to a minimum

Our collective passion for agriculture, innovation, and community development drives us to excel in every aspect of our work. Together, we’re shaping a brighter future for the agriculture sector, one project at a time.

Ready to join hands with our exceptional team?